Kaardid - Australian bush flower essences. Flower Insight

  • Item ID: 155174741
Auction is ended or not active
Final price: 15.00 EUR
Extending closure: 5 minutes
Starting time: Wed 21.04.2021 21:56:00
Closing time: Wed 19.05.2021 21:56:00
Last bidder:
Viljandi, Viljandimaa, Eesti
Item condition: used
Location: Viljandi, Viljandimaa, Eesti
Quantity: 1
Payment: by deposit transfer, by transfer from Osta.ee e-account
Seller: Eivõiiialteada 100% / 184 / View other items of the seller

Taimekaardid: "Australian bush flower essences" Flower Insight Cards.

69 kaarti

Väga ilusad, vähekasutatud kaardid, praktiliselt uued! Iga kaart sisaldab infot erineva taime + taime mõju kohta. Taimekaartide abil võimalik valida sobivad eeterlikud õlid kasutamiseks.


* The Bush Essences are a system of healing that anyone can use for themselves.
* Meet the great need for remedies that help people address the issues of the 21st century - sexuality communication skills and spirituality.
* Australia has the world's oldest and highest number of flowering plants.
* The effect of these Essences is similar to that of meditation.


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